New FND Agaricus

Author: Editorial staff

New FND Agaricus
New FND Agaricus

The following sections are described and illustrated in this book:  Agaricus sez. Bivelares, Agaricus sez. Chitonioides, Agaricus sez. Xanthodermatei, Agaricus sez. Hondenses, Agaricus sez. Sanguinolenti, Agaricus sez. Bohusia, Agaricus sez. Nigrobrunnescentes, Agaricus sez. Lanosi, Agaricus sez. Agaricus, Agaricus sez. Rarolentes, Agaricus sez. Spissicaules, Agaricus sez. Subrutilescentes, Agaricus sez. Arvenses, Agaricus sez. Minores. The majority of the species are sequenced and represented with illustrations that comes from original description of the species. English language. The volume is composed by more than 500 pages and 670 photos. Available from September 2022.

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