• Edible

Flammulina ononidis Arnolds 1977


Collybia velutipes subsp. pratensis (Schief.) Schief. (1963)
Flammulina velutipes var. pratensis Schief. (1949)


Grows rarely on hardwoods all over the year. 

Macroscopic and microscopic features

Cap: 20-60 mm in average, smooth, sticky, whitish to light yellowish.

Lupeny: white, whitish to light creamy. 

Třeň: 20-120 mm long, up to 10 mm broad, cylindrical, rootish, velvet, at apex whitish, downwards yellowish - brown to blackish at the bottom. 

Microscopy: spores 6-8 x 3-5 µm, elliipsoid, cheilocystids and pleurocystids 40-80 x 10-18 µm.

Flammulina ononidis
Libor Hejl
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