Přehled hub střední Evropy (2024) 2.edition-J.Holec, M. Beran, A.Bielich
€38.00 included CZ VAT
€38.00 without VAT
Mushrooms overview of Central Europe 2.edition
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Warranty (months) 24
Availability 14 days
The aim of the book is to introduce readers to the diversity of fungi in Central Europe. It contains almost all common species, but also a number of rare species. They are carefully selected representatives of the largest number of systematic groups and fungi distinguished by their appearance, biology and ecology. The basic number of 1207 depicted species (the pictorial part contains original paintings by Antonín Bielich) is extended by several hundred other species mentioned in the notes - more than 2000 species are included in the book. The result is a whole where there are no important groups of fungi and each of them is represented by important representatives that the inquiring candidate should know about. With this balanced concept, the book is unique and has the character of a textbook or encyclopedia. The book presents a modern fungal system based on molecular-biological studies; in the atlas section, some fungi, on the other hand, are grouped according to their external appearance so that they can be identified as easily as possible. Unlike ordinary atlases, the characteristics of the genera are attached to the reader to understand how these genera are delimited. It also contains basic microscopic information about each species.
cover: soft
624 pages